Calculate your website’s carbon footprint
We offset 100% of the carbon from websites on our carbon neutral plans.
CO2 generated from websites every year
Trillion bubbles in the atmosphere
Average website annual footprint for
Page size
Page views/mo
Top visitors
116.54kg CO2
= 0.78 sumo wrestlers
= 125 billion bubbles
= 6 trees
= 264kWh of energy
The above figure is an estimate of your websites carbon footprint. See calculation details below.
How it’s calculated
We create an estimate based on traffic in your local region and the energy a server uses when someone visits a page.
We calculate
Monthly visitors
Page size
Visitor location
Estimated CO2
Then we fund projects to offset this number.
Some perspective
What is 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent to?
CO2 fire extinguishers
Driven in a diesel truck
Smartphones charged
Projects we fund
If you only have access to dirty water, you need to boil it to make it drinkable. The heating of water causes air pollution and emits CO2. For that reason, we help minimise the emissions of CO2 by giving people in small towns in Uganda and Zimbabwe access to clean water.
We participate only in Gold Standard and Vera projects that meet the harsh demands of UN-accredited auditors. Gold Standard for the Global Goals certify high-quality projects within project design, efficiency, governance and documentation.
Where does the money go?
Imagine donating a percentage to a clean ocean, tree planters, and smog reduction, without having to research the projects beforehand.
We allocate funds to each project on your behalf and ensure it is properly spent on Verra and Certified Gold Standard Projects to make a maximum impact.
Land projects